All bill payments must be received by the 10th of the month in order to avoid incurring late fees. In an effort to serve the needs of our members, West Harrison WSC offers a number of payment options.
- PAY ONLINE** - To pay online CLICK HERE The first time you will register to create your payer profile. After that, payments are an easy 3-step process. You can pay by checking, savings, credit card or debit card. You can also print receipts.
- PAY BY MOBILE APP** - Downlaod "PSN Payments" from the App Store® or Google Play™. TIP:Go online the first time to create your payer profile.
- PAY BY PHONE** - Call toll-free 1-877-390-7368. Make sure to have your bill handy to provide your customer account number. On the first call, you will set up your profile; after that payments are 4 quick steps.
**A fee is charged for payments made through PSN; $1.10 for checking/savings payments, 2.75% (+50¢ if payment is less than $100.00) for credit/debit card payments. This fee is charged by Payment Service Network, NOT West Harrison. You may choose to make a one-time payment or set up automatic recurring payments (similar to a bank draft) for either the amount of your bill or a specific amount that you set.
HELP - If you need assisstance with viewing your bills or paying online, call PSN at 1-866-917-7368. If you have questions on the amount of your bill, call West Harrison at 903-668-2450.
PAYMENT THROUGH FINANCIAL INSTITUTION ONLINE BILL PAY - Many financial institutions such as major banks offer their customers the ability to pay their bills via an onlne bill payment service (through your bank's website). When this process is used, an actual paper check is printed and mailed to our address. Payments may take up to seven business days to be received. Please consider this time lag when using a "Bill Pay" service from your bank.
- PAY IN PERSON - We always enjoy the opportunity to visit with our members. Cash, checks or money orders are accepted. Credit/Debit card payments CAN NOT be made at our office.
- DROP BOX - A drop box is located on the middle gate at 5975 Noonday Road. Please leave checks or money orders only. We are not responsible for cash payments left in the drop box.
- PAY BY MAIL - If paying by mail, please include your bill stub (the small part of the bill) with your check or money order. If you don't have the stub, please write your account number in the memo portion of your check or money order. To avoid late fees, please mail your payment at least five to seven business days before the due date specified on your bill.
Payment Address
West Harrison Water Supply Corporation
P.O. Box 1027
Hallsville, TX 75650